God speaks in interesting ways

God speaks in interesting ways

I want God to use me more than ever before. I’m an innovator, so I’ve been asking God what the next big thing he wants me to do for him. I have so many ideas spinning in my head. But God, when do you want me to do that idea? Oh, how about this one, God? Is it time for it now? (You get the picture, right?)

God keeps showing me the numbers 333.

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Devotions with Your Kids - part 1… WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT?

Devotions with Your Kids - part 1… WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT?

When my girls were younger, I remember some nights of being so tired that I felt like just going to bed and skipping prayer and Bible reading time with them. I have to admit that there were some nights that I skipped it, but those times were very rare because one of my girls would always say, "Mommy, aren't you going read to me and pray with me?"

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